Small Business Entrepreneurs Project


Monday, May 9, 2016

Flower Omega - medicine woman

Are you from Saint Louis? if not, where(and why did you come to Saint Louis)?

No, but Saint Louis is definitely my second home having spent part of my youth here and several adult years.

Which High School did you attend, (if you attended high school in MO)? (If not from Saint Louis, you can opt out of this question)

Sumner HS  and Soldan International Studies HS

Which area is the best? Why? (County(North, South, West), City, St. Charles, Chesterfield, East Saint Louis, etc...)

I enjoy the vibes of South City and the Central West End is beautiful especially in the Fall.

Tell me something about yourself that you would like to share.

Well, I suppose what I should share is that I'm not just a medicine woman! I have many other talents that I work from too. I'm website designer, a dancer, event planner, an actress and all around artist. 

What is/are the name(s) of your business(es) and describe it/them (please provide a website and email address if possible). Why did you start it/them?

I am my business so it is named after me, Flower Omega. The business aspect was built out of necessity. I serve as a translator between Earth and her people. From an early age I became aware that I could receive a type of communication with the elements that most others did not. It can be difficult to put into words how this communication works but as I grew older and wiser I began to understand that through my connection with the natural world I could serve others in helping them understand how to use natural elements to heal and thrive and I could also use my gift to inform people of which elements are to be left alone by us and why.

For about four years I have been providing my services professionally to people to help them explore the natural world and find balance within it. It soon became evident that my clients needed to have access to me and services  at will so floweromega dot-com was born.

What three words would describe your business(es)? (If you own more than one business please give three words to describe each business).

blooming, thriving, necessary 

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